
Backrooms - Unknown machine

Unknown Origin

New data acquisitions from the Echo base.

[…] We have just received new data. The computer processes the information. It seems that something has just happened within the Backrooms, causing a unique change in the radioactive waves emitted by the antechamber. We do not yet know what is causing this phenomenon. But this data appeared when the machine was restarted in hangar 1042.”
“What just happened?”
“Director, we have just analyzed a new disturbance. Wait... It starts again!”
“All staff on alert! What is this alarm?”

“It's the containment alarm. I'm checking... There's been an intrusion in the antechamber, Director!”

“Raise your hands and don't move!”

Take the Way 0003

↓↓ Join the room 1126 or sink into the Backrooms ↓↓