room 1084

Backrooms - room 1084

room 1084

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 […]

Will: Welcome to room 1084. This place is very special. We find there the last 5 antechambers according to the last 5 arrivals in the Backrooms. As you can see, the victims of Backrooms are not necessarily humans. This is why I am convinced that the Creature in room 1042 isn't origin from the Backrooms.
Jonah: It would also explain the atypical and incomparable structure of this environment. If the Backrooms are not of human origin, why would only humans find their way there?
Will: However, even if this level 2 room 1084 recreates these antechambers, it does not mean that their original occupants escaped from level 1. They may still be in their original antechamber. But it doesn't matter that they are in the Backrooms, as soon as they arrive, the 5 antechambers change simultaneously according to the new arrivals. The rule of this place is: if the 5 antechambers change, then everyone in room 1084 will be no-clip instantly in level 3.
Ema Smith: Why come here then?

Room 1084

Survivor: Because it's the only way to find equipment. Sorry, I did not introduce myself, I am […]. I was rummaging there when you arrived.
Will: Exactly. It's nice to see that someone got away with it too.
Survivor: You seem to know a lot about this place.
Jonah: You seem very confident. Excuse my indiscretion, but have you been here for long?
Ema Smith: Seeing that antechamber there, she must have no-clip in the Backrooms from the Char.
Jonah: From these 5 areas, we only recognize my antechamber. This means that the order of arrival is ignored. We could very well no-clip at level 3 in a moment.
Survivor: Sorry, we don't have time to chat. I advise you to come prepared with what you can find.
Will: She's right. Room 1084 allows you to equip yourself with a lot of things or even get food when you're lucky. It all depends on the turnover of newcomers to the Backrooms.
Jonah: So if we ignore the order of arrival... That means we don't know which of the 5 antechambers have already changed. And since mine is still there...
Survivor: As well as mine! And I've already seen 3 change.
Jonah: So there are only 2 left.
Will: Yes, and it can happen very quickly, so let's hurry. Do not forget, all stuff you touch during the no-clip will be no-clip with you.

Survivor: Who are you? Where do you come from like that? Are you all alone?
John Shepard: My name is B.E.N.J.A.M.I.N. M.I.L.L.E.R.
Will: Impossible! This can't be true.
Ema Smith: Colonel! You are alive!
Survivor: Look at his eyes! These are the eyes of […]
Will: How did it get here? Take it down!
Ema Smith: I'm not going to shoot my Colonel! Sir, it's a miracle you're alive. We haven't heard from you for days.
Jonah: My name is J.O.N.A.H. S.H.A.R.O.N.
Will: No no no no no, no! We have to get out of here!
Ema Smith: Give me back my gun, Will!
Survivor: Shoot them, they're hosts!
Will: Run away!
Ema Smith: Doctor Jonah...Colonel...you are...

Survivor: How are we going to get through this? This Creature has multiplied!
Will: This is the first time I've seen this. This weapon can't do anything against it, and there's no water in room 1084. We need to find a way to level down.
Survivor: How do I do that without no-clip?
Will: We have to survive long enough.
Survivor: I'm following you.
Will: I thought the Creature no longer had any hold beyond room 1042. Could it be […] ?

Survivors ? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ?

↓↓ Sink into the Backrooms ↓↓