
Backrooms - Levels

How many are there ?

- Where are we ?
- This is level 2.
- Level 2 of the Backrooms?
- What is this ? And who are you?
- Call me Will.
- Where is the Creature? Are we safe?
- I could have shot it. My ammo are full.
- Believe me, the Creature is immune to bullets. Only water can slow it down. I don't know yet if there is a way to kill it.
- How do you know all of that?
- I survived the Backrooms for a long time.
- Backrooms seem to be a more complex structure than I thought.
- You are Doctor Jonah at the head of research on the Backrooms. How did you end up here?
- Call me Jonah.
- Call me Smith.
- I had to be clear about what room 1042 was. All the expeditions that have been made have not revealed any particular change in the heart of the environment. The Way having been kept open at each rotation of the machine, I thought that room 1042 could provide an answer on what the Backrooms really are.
- Sorry to disappoint you, but you stayed for years in level 1 of the Backrooms. Backrooms include countless levels. Level 1 is the least risky, because it is linked to the antechamber. This is where you came from, and where you are more likely to be able to leave. If the path to it was maintained regularly, then you never dived into the actual Backrooms. You have to understand that room 1042 is a point of no return. It is guarded by the level 1 Creature and ensures that you sink deeper into this world. Those who enter room 1042 have little chance of surviving. Escaping the monster does not guarantee getting out of the Backrooms, quite the contrary.
- So this room 1042 is not an escape? When I walked through the door to the antechamber where this number appeared, I thought I was going back to base, but I ended up in the same place as you. I could have shot you.
- You should have shot him. Protecting yourself from what you can see is paramount in room 1042. The Creature is able to alter your senses. The Do... Jonah, it could have been a hallucination to trick you into error during the hunt for the predator. I was trying to get to the surface when I ran into you. You are the first persons I have met in a long time. I had no choice but to take you to level 2. We could prepare for it.
- This level 2, as you say, what is special about it? How much more can we cross? How can we get out of here?
- Since you are armed, it will be easier to defend yourself if we fall into deeper levels. In the meantime, level 2 has its own numbered room. I only met it once. It bears the room number 1084. But I didn't have time to enjoy it for long. Its design is peculiar and it's easier to no-clip from level 2 than the other levels I've been through. I have a few resources left at this level. We should look for more soon.
- What is the no-clip?
- You two don't know?
- I think it's about this phenomenon that happened in […]. I have no idea how this happens.
- Explain to us.
- The no-clip is a phenomenon linked to Backrooms. It is the fact of crossing the material as if it were only a thin layer of water. For most people trapped in the Backrooms, the no-clip is the main reason. I fell into the Backrooms because of this.

- You mean that quantum physics applies to the Backrooms? How is this possible?
- What I do know, Jonah, is that each level has its own rules, and something regularly creates quantum instability within the Backrooms, which intentionally or unintentionally allows walls and levels to no-clip.< br/> - I don't understand much about it. Did you mention resources?
- Yes, food, tools, even weapons. We must set off and seek out these rare commodities.

- How are the levels of Backrooms structured? How can there be resources within such a world? Are we somewhere under the surface of the Earth?
- I am not a scientist by profession. But what I do know is that nothing in the Backrooms belongs to the earthly world. Even the rule in room 1084 is strange, and it's what will allow us to restore ourselves. If I had to try to schematize the Backrooms, it would be like Russian dolls. Each level is buried deeper in the Backrooms. But the levels are not floors that you go up or down. Rather, you have to see it as sinking deeper and deeper. Some levels have no structural meaning. What we design as a ceiling can also be a floor. Because of that, sure no-clip a wall above us doesn't get us any closer to higher level.
- But you said you've been in the Backrooms for a long time. How did you get to room 1042 then?
- There is a way to “go back up”. Access ways appear in a unique room on each level, which I call the Way, when the Backrooms become unstable. I still don't know why, but during these events, the structure of each level becomes flimsy. One can then no-clip almost anywhere and fall into a lower level. But if you are in the level-specific room, then you can find a Path there. A kind of passage that sends us to the room on the upper level. In this case, room 1084 allowed me to reach room 1042. But there is a problem with that. Room 1042 is dangerously guarded. And it would be necessary to succeed in reaching a new cycle of quantum fragility, as well as to be lucky enough to find the Way of room 1042 to go back to reality. Anyway, I assume that this path also exists in level 1, otherwise it would mean that we are definitely stuck here.
- Numbered rooms for each level. Quantum instabilities that make the decor no-clip, and passages that allow you to go back to almost certain death? How is it even possible to survive long enough to experience all of this?
- You are armed. If we're lucky and find room 1084, maybe we can better prepare for it.

- Room 1084...
“Let’s schematize”