
Backrooms - The Rescue

The Rescue

The Sphere:

We are in Path 0012. We have shaped this place for many cycles so that Ephiris is able to structure the Backrooms. Our city was able to produce a large amount of droids and robots when we started to shape these places.[…]
The design of Backrooms as […] was very successful in its early stages.
We didn't know how, but it worked. This space grew as we installed structures and machines within it.[…]

The Backrooms already had an advanced structure and our internal transport technologies made it easy to move around. As a security measure, we created Safe Lanes, ie neutral and independent zones which, initially, were paired with […] . For each level discovered, we name routes from 1 to 3 zeros followed by the number of the level.
At first, we considered Level 1 as our own gateway to the Backrooms. The one that housed Ephiris, our first dimensional robotic environment. […]
Yes, the Backrooms have created their own entity. […] The infinity of Backrooms draws its structure from multi-dimensions. The levels were in truth not intrasic constructions of the Backrooms, but connections to various positions in the universe. It had become his main goal, creating bridges between all the connections of the universe that could exist.

By trying to slow down its growth, each new level was meticulously […] We wanted these places to remain specific to what we wanted to build. But the Backrooms created more connections than we could handle. And while our forces […] 9 other levels emerged in the shadows. Backrooms circumvented the problem we presented by creating connections upstream of what seemed to us to be the beginning.

When we realized it, it was already too late. The few levels that we had managed […] , were not enough to protect us from one of them, half-robotic, half-organic: Pandora.

Pandora was able to evade our detectors and was thus able to learn about our technologies and our infrastructures as well as the weapon that we were building to stop the autonomy of the Backrooms. Understanding our disinterest in foreign explorers, he entered our systems like a virus and left everything in Ephiris in a state of lethargy. The Cycle, our device of last resort against the Backrooms, fell into his hands and he activated it before it was even completed.

The infrastructure swirled, preventing our already conflicting forces in distant levels from turning back through the Ways, and isolating us permanently from our home world. The Cycle was designed to prevent Backrooms from creating new gateways, creating a time loop that would limit access to new levels. But unfinished, the Cycle created interferences in […] which caused this no-clip phenomenon in all Backrooms, except our off-grid Escape Routes.

The Rescue