
Backrooms - The city in the Backrooms

The city of level 10

I'm back, again.

“I have lost count of the number of times I have tried to access the […]. When I first stumbled into the Backrooms, it felt like this place was unfamiliar, labyrinthine, and endless. Even 2 of these 3 adjectives were true, they seem familiar to me now. Time moves differently here, though I don't know if it's been a day, a year, even a century. The characteristics of level 10 limit the notions of time. Even though we know the physical or quantum structure of upper stages […], level 10 has established itself as the first level "close" to the antechamber which does not justify any danger whatsoever.
All those who have managed to survive since Backrooms have existed, […] found themselves at this level. When I arrived, it was already a city whose technologies of the year 2000, my time, seemed obsolete. […]

Pandora, as everyone in the level calls her, is arguably the biggest source of hope. He has stored huge amounts of data on the Backrooms, although some of us think he created it himself. But how could that be? […]
Beyond being safe at level 10 from the higher levels, in truth, we are prey to the lower levels of the Backrooms. What's swarming down there is far worse than anything we've come across so far. From 11th level, the creatures that haunt the place seem insatiable. As if the level itself drives every living being to an irresistible and morbid hunger.
But since we can't just expect help from outside, this city has built a system of caste, challenges and rewards. My proximity to Pandora […] gives me access to the missions […] in order to find a way out of the Backrooms, and perhaps, to find the help you need.

The observation is that regardless of the failures incurred, we cannot go below level 10 unintentionally. […] Expeditions planned for the acquisition of data in these depths of the Backrooms are rare and dangerous. Even if it is possible to come back by borrowing […] rooms starting with 0, this never allows more than to change caste within the city. […]

Access to Ephiris