
Backrooms - The Guide

The Guide

/* Decoded Data Acquisitions */

/* Despite my knowledge of Backrooms, I know that I'm still on the surface of what they really are. I've been stuck there for […]. The human approach to this environment is analysis, prediction, logic and resentment. All of those things don't belong here. The Backrooms only reflect on the surface the reality of the victim who sets foot there. The deeper we go into the levels, the more we discover that the Backrooms are completely different. One might even believe that they have a purpose. And when I suggest the term "goal", I mean that I am still unable to verify whether it is a matter of my own will or the objective of a third party, such as a creator for example.
The complexity of this place, and yet the logic of it even at times, prevent validating a hypothesis or its opposite. However, what is certain is that the Backrooms evade the laws as they were appreciated, namely by time and celerity. Biological depreciation does not exist. This explains why the blood does not dry up. If it is certainly possible to bleed, ie to lose a substance already present in you, the biometric and cellular cortex no longer evolve over time.
The Backrooms therefore contain, on this level, the answer to eternal life or even to eternal youth. At least, as long as one does not cross the other occupants of these places. On this same principle, the need to eat and hydrate, all of this is a game of your mind, which has always been used to this and of which your cerebral cortex knows only one thing: to avoid it means death. But not here. Hunger, thirst, fatigue within the Backrooms, are only a fleeting complication of the change of environment from your origin to the reality of the Backrooms. Only the physical integrity of the individual, whether human or non-human, counts.

Among the levels of the Backrooms that I have explored, some are unique to the individual. Some environments might not exist for others. Secrets or experiences that only I know have come to light during my exploration. So, I guess the Backrooms know everything. Whoever you are, whatever you hide, it's inscribed in the genetic code of the Backrooms, if this place is considered a living entity.

Today, I understood that access to certain levels of the Backrooms allows me to shape the environment according to my wishes. Like a lucid dream. I don't know if thanks to this, the information will really be transmitted or if the Backrooms give me futile hope until the next trap.

The Backrooms, a box of […] in which we must not lock ourselves up. */