
Room 1042

The mission must be completed.

Report of the Doctor of Multiverse Science: Jonah […]
Report submission date […]

“Although multiple tests have been done around the world, and many are the random experiments not recorded by our researchers, it seems that the backrooms are infinite and architecturally indeterminable. Each integration in this deferred space relates to a unique enrichment. Often linked to each individual passing on the other side of the antechamber.
The antechamber, for its part, exists on all sides of the Backrooms. It is a defined space, strangely different from other rooms or “levels” of space. It is unique and seems linked to our reality and that of the other side.
The structural and material analysis of the Backrooms reveals little about its origin. If they can be conceived at certain levels as human structures, of materials that we could appreciate in our reality, certain reports mention spaces without the possibility of comparison, or even of carrying out analyses.
Moreover, the analysis of Backrooms, whether structural or schematic, can only be carried out within the Backrooms themselves.
Samples from any level disappear in the area called the “antechamber”.

No one has, to date, succeeded in removing Backrooms, a residual element of this place.
“Are Backrooms a reflection of humanity? This is a question that the General Staff has asked many times. This is presumably an arranged twist for convention. The real question is: “Were Backrooms created by man?”

Years of research I have done in this environment over my lifetime suggests that Backrooms are not limited to human design.
Let's take the example of the machine in hangar […], the origin of our very first discoveries. This sophisticated structure, whose purpose could never be appreciated, spins on itself without any force whatsoever. The observation of its characteristics of rotation, emission of lights or radioactive particles prove that it is fatal for the human person to the degrees so important that our own capacity to see it on the horizon would make us liquefy on the spot. However, these vital criteria have no effect on the human body within the Backrooms. The air seems to be composed of the same molecules necessary for our breathing and however, as I specified previously, it is possible that everything we observe within the Backrooms, which cannot be analyzed once entering the antechamber, does not allow to affirm that what we observe is true.
What I'm trying to explain is that my observations, based on years of experimentation, suggest that Backrooms adapt. In response to the General Staff's questioning, I would say that even an extra-terrestrial molecule experiencing the Backrooms could observe many similarities in this space with its real space. And that in no way could the molecule present here conceive in its experience that the Backrooms could have been the design of an unknown third party.


My name is Jonah S[…] Observation and conclusion of room 1042.
Of all the levels that have been explored and analyzed, room 1042 is unique. No one knows what is there. Testimonies of survivors having approached it testify that a dazzling gleam emerges as soon as one approaches it. For those who went all the way, no one knows what happened to them.
Room 1042 is the only place in the Backrooms that gets a precise name. Navigating this universe for years in no way guarantees that we will one day come across this space. However, clinical observation of the cases having witnessed its appearance reveals that all of them suffered an extreme emotional shock, sometimes permanently installing madness in the patient.
Several mechanized expeditions had been sent in an attempt to cross Room 1042, however, as related by the rough speeches of Patient 1042, as they were called upon for their experience with this place, approaching this area throws everything off kilter. Related to electronic or electrical systems. I suppose the synapses of our cerebral cortices are no exception.
It is also not certain that light, as we conceive it in the real world, really exists within backrooms.
Light is certainly present and allows us to define a distance with our movements, but it is never possible to be certain of the origin of this light source. If, at first glance, one might think that the video recordings did not have […], it is clear that the halos of light do not belong to any electrical wall device.


I can only wonder what the purpose of such a space. What happens to people who get lost in it? Can we never cross past experiences? So many questions are left unanswered, and I feel that I have very little time left. I feel it. I feel it.
I issued a response item. The […] feeds on victims trapped in the Backrooms. Like a parasite, […] leaves a seed in the body of its victim in order to bind itself to the reality of the host species. I suspect Commander John Shepard, miraculously escaping the Backrooms unscathed with no details other than passing through Room 1042, to be a host […]. The latter having firmly opposed any offensive action against […] within the Backrooms, he was however not reluctant to expeditions. […] could be at the origin in order to feed on it. I can't assure you that I'm not myself […]


Report modified. Voice recording in progress… Room 1042. Doctor J.O.N.A.H.

“The door to the antechamber is locked. I try to open it.
I see the number 1042 in the center of the door.
I walked away from it.
It opens. I am blown away as mentioned in 1042 patient testimonials.
Should I come in?
I am entering.
I am not alone. Something is watching me.
Is anyone there?
The door closed behind me.
Something is getting closer. A thud, a deep breath. This reminds me of something…”

[…] Inaudible voice.

“I am unarmed! ”

[…] Inaudible voice.

"I can't stay here. ”

[…] Inaudible voice.

“My name is J.O.N.A.H. ”

[…] Inaudible voice.

“We need to leave room 1042 immediately. ”

[…] Unknown voice: You are Dr. Jonah Sharon, a great physicist, commissioned by the government to experiment with quantum displacements at the Echos base. I am not [lost data].

"Who are you both of you?" ”

[…] Inaudible voice.

[…] Unknown voice: We don't have time for introductions! I know how to get out of here.

End of recording. Bandwidth exhausted.

↓↓ Sink into the Backrooms ↓↓