
Backrooms - Intangible Ocean

Far from the Backrooms


So as you surely know, we had been trapped, my crew and myself at the dock due to technical problems on our fishing ship. Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday, there was a storm, the storm was rumbling on the horizon. But that day, we had gathered in the hold of the boat to see what we could find to fix the main engine. Believe it or not Gaston got snatched from the bottom, he was literally going to disappear through the hull, so Pierre, Jean and I clung to him to pull him up, but we all ended up tipping over.


So ! We didn't understand anything. We found ourselves in a kind of abandoned boat, it was incomprehensible. If you prefer, we were still in a hold, but it wasn't our boat's. It was much bigger. That said, in passing, I remember that Pierre didn't see exactly the same thing as the rest of us. Besides, we all saw slightly different details. Like the color of the walls, or even the shape of certain bolts. But the room seemed to be pretty much the same for everyone. Besides, we quickly got out of it to get back on the pontoon. Well, that's what we wanted to do. The hatches and other airlocks were familiar, I could have designed them myself. But what was really out of the ordinary was that we couldn't reach the surface. No matter which stairway or path you took, you always arrived at a higher floor. Besides, none of them were marked. It was impossible for us to retrace our steps or know where we were.


Ah yes, the floors. I tell you, it was a maze without any landmarks. Added to that some misunderstandings about what some were seeing and some weren't, we were starting to go crazy in there, and we were damn hot and thirsty! And that's when this number appeared. A sailor's room on one of the floors finally had a number on its door, 1042. I must tell you that we were not reassured to come across that. We had been climbing and going through hatches looking for something for hours. But to come across this door with this number in the middle of a floor with no other, we were not at ease at all.

- Captain! It's a real storm out there!


In the end, we decided to go in, and we were all dazzled on the spot. When we regained our sight, we were clearly no longer on a boat. They looked like offices or… a laboratory? Yeah it looked more like a lab. But we didn't have much time to look around when something appeared in front of us, in a corner of the room that was plunged into darkness. Two glowing red eyes were discernible, and when this thing showed up in the light, what a horror! It was a real monster. We had never seen that! We screamed and tried to grab everything we could reach, until...


I told you it was a stormy day that day. Don't ask me how or why, but all the walls around us started cracking, water was starting to spurt out of the walls, and it was salt water! It was pissing everywhere, and we were focused on the creature in front of us. It was then understood that the water, or seawater, had trapped him on his side of the room. In a few moments, the water was up to our knees, and in a panic we stopped looking in the direction of the beast. It has also disappeared. But impossible to turn back, the door of the room did not open from the inside and the water continued to rise.


It's a blackout. I only remember waking up in the hold of our boat, soaked, next to my friends. The hatch in the hold was wide open and we were being washed away by rainwater and the explosive waves of the storm at the dock.
None of my crew got stuck there. We are convinced that the sea had just saved us. Since that day, we sail the seas without ever setting foot on dry land. I don't know if it's the only way to escape, but we've been living in peace for a while. Although it nearly killed us, this flood also saved us. What a shame it would have been to die of drowning for a sailor! »


"Remind me your name, it's not every day that we have visitors, and moreover from the government. »



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